This Cookies Policy is an integral part of the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy of Ardilaya SL. Accessing and browsing the website, or using its services, implies acceptance of the General Conditions established in our Legal Notice (and, therefore, the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy). Please read them carefully.

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (RGPD), in relation to Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPD) and in art. 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services (LSSI), Ardilaya SL will only use data storage and recovery devices (cookies) when the user has given prior consent to do so, in accordance with what is stated. indicated in the pop-up window of the user's browser when they first access the website and in the other terms and conditions indicated in this Cookies Policy.

For its correct functioning, Ardilaya SL uses cookies and activity files that allow us to know the activity carried out by users during their browsing. No cookie can extract information from a hard drive or steal personal information.

Cookies are essential for the Internet to function. They cannot damage the user's equipment/device and, if they are activated in the browser settings, they help us identify and resolve possible operating errors of Likewise, if you give your consent, we will use cookies that allow us to obtain more information about your preferences and personalize our, in accordance with your individual interests.

If you do not accept the use of cookies, please configure your web browser in such a way that it rejects the installation and/or use of cookies on your computer. However, if the configuration is this way, we inform you that the correct use of the website will not be possible.

In order to recognize you and provide you with a better service, our website uses third-party cookies (small text files that your browser stores).

In any case, we inform you that Ardilaya SL is responsible for the cookies and the processing of data obtained through third-party cookies, deciding on the purpose, content and use of the processing in relation to the information collected.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small files that are stored on the device you use to browse the Internet and that can store information related to how often you visit the website, your browsing preferences, and the information that interests you most. Which allows us, every time you access, to improve the quality and usability of our website.

Our website uses the cookies described below:

1.- Own cookies.

They are those cookies that are sent to your computer and managed exclusively by us for the best functioning of the website. The information we collect is used to improve the quality of our service and your user experience. These cookies remain on your browser longer, allowing us to recognize you as a return visitor to the website and adapt the content to offer you content that fits your preferences.

2.- Third party analytical cookies.

On our website we also use the Google Analytics audience measurement system, a Google web analysis tool that allows us to know how users interact with our website. Additionally, it enables cookies on the domain of the site where the user is located and uses a set of cookies called "utma" and "_utmz" to collect information anonymously and prepare website trend reports without identifying individual users.

Together with our server log files, they allow us to know the total number of users who visit our website and those parts of it that are most popular. Thanks to them, we obtain information that can help us improve navigation and provide better service to users and clients.

If you interact with the content of our website, third-party cookies may also be set (for example, when clicking on social media buttons or viewing videos hosted on another website). Third-party cookies are those set by a domain other than our website. We cannot access data stored in cookies on other websites when you browse those websites.

Below we include the link to the Google website where you can consult the description of the type of cookies used by Google Analitycs and their expiration period:¬usage ?h1=en

Disable and block cookies.

In any case, we inform you that since cookies are not necessary for the use of our website, you can block or disable them by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to reject the installation of all or some cookies. Most browsers allow you to warn of the presence of cookies or automatically reject them. If you reject them, you will be able to continue using our website, although the use of some of its services may be limited and, therefore, your experience on our website less satisfactory.

Withdraw my consent.

If you wish to withdraw your consent related to this Cookies Policy at any time, you must delete the cookies stored on your computer (computer or mobile device) through the settings and configurations of your Internet browser.

For more information about deleting, disabling or blocking cookies, please visit: Modification of cookie configuration and settings

Unless you have adjusted your browser settings, our system will create cookies as soon as you visit our website. Please note that all Internet browsers allow changing these settings. For more information on how to adjust your cookie settings in the following browsers, we refer you to the relevant link:

Internet Explorer:

( )

( )


( )

( )

Firefox. .



Changes to the Cookies Policy.

It is possible that we update the Cookies Policy of our website, therefore we recommend that you review this policy each time you access in order to be adequately informed about how and why we use cookies.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the Cookies Policy, please write to